Ultraformer facelift guide

Loose skin is frustrating especially when it is on your face. Skin tightening has been always a challenge in front of many people. Fortunately, we live in an era with amazing plastic surgeries and aesthetic procedures. In Singapore, for example, numerous treatments could improve your skin condition no matter how bad you think it is. There are at least 10 different methods, surgeons today use to tighten your skin. Last few years, one treatment has become popular because it has fast results and easy technology – ultraformer facelift. Ultraformer Singapore improves face and neck skin without invasive injections. Ultraformer Singapore is ultrasound technology, as you may guess from the name.

What exactly is ultraformer facelift?

The dermatologist uses a handheld device that radiates ultrasound that destroys cells in the skin. The upper surface of the skin stays untouched because the beam targets other layers. Usually, surgical facelift targets these layers and tightens them.

The human body has healing response that works better if it is provoked by something. In Ultraformer facelift treatment, the ultrasound beam provokes it. Healing response includes creating new collagen in cells. This is a long process but during the treatment is its start. Ultraformer facelift is not a long procedure and there are no side effects or recuperation. Its length is 60 minutes most and patients are able to go on with their day as if nothing has happened. The only outcome patients see right after the procedure is slightly lifting but it is not the final lifting. Results come when old collagen is changed to a new one in 2 or 3 months period. Of course, ultrasound will not replace facelift surgery because one non-invasive treatment can’t be so drastic as results.

See Moricara Ultraformer Facelift in Veritas Medical Aesthetic in Singapore.


Who could have the ultraformer facelift?

First signs of ageing usually are visible on the skin. Look yourself in the mirror and try to spot a difference in the position of your eyebrows from before and now. Loose skin on the upper eyelid is one of the first signs that your cells start losing collagen and you will need some treatment to rejuvenate it. Facelift surgery is a typical choice for people whose ageing signs are advanced while non-invasive facelift, like ultraformer in Singapore, is for people whose skin just start to lose elasticity. Unlike other non-invasive treatments, this one is just one session. You will not need 3, 4 or more repetitions until final results. The treatment is almost painless so every patient is awake during the procedure. Some dermatologists apply numbing cream on the treated area if the skin is more sensitive. Don’t forget that ultrasound doesn’t affect the upper layer of the skin so you can apply your make up right after the procedure. Of course, wearing one during the procedure is not recommendable. Have it on the mind and clean it before.

Our advice is to make a photo of your face under a good lighting before the procedure and 3 months after. It is important to use the same lighting in order to see the differences clearly. Otherwise, changes come gradually and you will not be able to notice them.

What are the main benefits of the treatment?

A non-surgical facelift has one big benefit and that is low risk and zero downtime. This is a great thing when you are afraid of consequences and side effects that could happen. However, if you are looking for a full list of things you can improve it, we managed to sum them up. First, it could tighten your eyebrows and lift skin around the eyes. Upper eyelids are perfect area susceptible to this treatment, too. Jawline wrinkles, marionette wrinkles, Jowls wrinkles and corners on the mouth are other places where ultrasound could improve skin texture and shape. Have you seen people with wide pores who use tons of makeup to hide them? Ultraformer in Singapore helps a lot with wide pores restoration, too. You might be surprised but ultrasound could improve significantly your skin condition.

What is the difference between lasers and ultrasounds?

They target two different layers of the skin. Most lasers target superficial layers, while ultrasound targets the inner layers. Foundational layers are more important when it comes to tightening and rejuvenating skin.

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