Fat freezing interesting facts you may never know

Non-invasive procedures are what people are fond of last 5 years. Who could judge them? The modern medicine offers an easy way to get the face and body you have always wanted for minutes. Do you want beautiful lips? 5 minutes. Do you want thin waist and body? 30 minutes. Having the opportunity to get what you want is not a privilege anymore especially if you live in Singapore. Singapore is a beautiful country where the plastic surgery niche is thriving. Coolsculpting is a part of this success and people choose to visit Singapore, to undergo this procedure, only. Let us explain what is so special of fat freezing in Singapore, like the one offered in Centreforcosmetic.com. Coolsculpting is not a new procedure, people freeze their fat from 2010.

What you may not know about coolsculpting

Temperature influence on fat cells. It is not true that if you stay outside when the temperature is below zero, you will have a slim body. The only one thing you will get will be a flue. However, cold temperature can affect your cells in special conditions, though. In coolsculpting thanks to a special machine, fat cells are frozen in the inner layer of the skin. Then the body finds them unnecessary and throws them away. The process sounds simple but actually, there are few things that could make it unsuccessful. For example, it is not like a liposuction, so surgeon doesn’t use the cannula to suck out the fat tissue. The results with coolsculpting can be uneven because the body can throw away different parts of already frozen fat.

Next thing we should discuss is the price. No matter that in Singapore plastic surgeries are not as expensive as those in the USA, a fat freezing price could be a little high. However, it is not as high as the price of liposuction, so you can afford it around $500.

How many coolsculpting treatments will I need?

We have already mentioned that the fat tissue could be throw away unevenly so one procedure might not be enough fora perfect outcome. It mainly depends on how many fat deposits are processed with the coolsculpting machine. If you have a lot of fat tissue, which needs to be removed, then you probably have to choose another treatment.

How long does the procedure go?

It depends on how many areas are treated. If you need exact time, you should talk to your dermatologist and he will give it to you. However, usually, the one hour for an area is enough.

Is fat freezing painful?

No, it’s not a regular pain but patients report that they feel some numbness thanks to the freezing. This is completely normal and vanishes in several hours. Another unpleasant outcome is bruising but unfortunately, this one can’t be avoided no matter how experienced is your dermatologist. It is possible your treated are to be sore several days after the procedure.

When will I see the fat freezing results?

If you have planned to go for this treatment and then have a wedding or some big party, don’t do that. You won’t be ready for the event on time and you will be disappointed eventually. Our advice is to have coolsculpting at least 3 months before the event and see how it goes. If you have to do several procedures, then plan your time wisely.


Rejuran Healer Treatment in Singapore

Skin cells are created for protection. Every skin cell has a life and eventually dies. The human body has its own rejuvenate system so the exact same skin cell is replaced and there is no empty space there. That’s why If you have a wound, it will heal eventually filled with new skin cells. This long process of renovating skin cells has its own speed, which decreases in time. Ageing force skin cells to reduce their life cycle but it doesn’t stop it completely so don’t worry. However, ageing alters skin cell in many ways, like reducing collagen in them, for example. As you may know, collagen is responsible for elasticity and vitality of your skin. Rejuran Healer is an innovative treatment that is based on salmon DNA. Sounds interesting and it works interesting, too. It stimulates skin tissue to regenerate and to produce more collagen thanks to Polynucleotide (PDRN). Although the ingredient is injected into the skin, it already has existed in it but in smaller quantity. Rejuran is a treatment consisting of several injections.

How does Rejuran improve skin condition?

Skin is epidermis and dermis and Rejuran healer restores both parts. The dermis is almost every time damaged and doesn’t have enough density. Rejuran solves this problem and encourages the dermis to produce its own collagen.

Which area is most suitable for a Rejuran healer?

Most dermatologists report having optimal result in eye bag area and cheeks. If you need lifting exactly there, it is worth to check out this healer. Another great effect, rejuran has on the epidermis. This means that acne scars, uneven pigmentation, wide pores, and oily skin are more likely to change.

Is it possible to heal acne scars?

Acne scars are not an easy cosmetic issue for fixing. Dermatologists in Singapore recommend laser treatment but in fact, it is not good enough to improve acne depressions into the skin. Patients with acne know how painful it could be to hide every single day unevenness and redness. All women want to have silk skin with no efforts but the reality is not on their side at all. Topic creams easily affect some acne scars, but others are just a nightmare. Rejuran healer Singapore is able to improve acne scars filling their depression and restore their natural colour. The improvement is permanent not like dermal filler’s effect which is temporal.

Rejuran healer is just one of many treatments that fight with ageing. Not only women but men have suffered too long from different skin condition without the chance of improving them. Everyone should have equal start with tight and elastic skin. Of course, if ageing is the reason for your low self-esteem, you can be sure that rejuran will help.

Another thing we have to pay attention to this article is the choice of a professional dermatologist. Make sure that your specialist has enough experience with this treatment and will give you the best possible care. Ask him to show you some of his previous patients and their goals. Having this information, you will be able to evaluate his work compared to your goals. An experienced dermatologist will point your expectations in the right direction and you will be satisfied with the results. Otherwise, you risk expecting too much and to receive too little. However, choosing Rejuran healer reduce risks to a minimum so you shouldn’t worry about that.

Ultraformer facelift guide

Loose skin is frustrating especially when it is on your face. Skin tightening has been always a challenge in front of many people. Fortunately, we live in an era with amazing plastic surgeries and aesthetic procedures. In Singapore, for example, numerous treatments could improve your skin condition no matter how bad you think it is. There are at least 10 different methods, surgeons today use to tighten your skin. Last few years, one treatment has become popular because it has fast results and easy technology – ultraformer facelift. Ultraformer Singapore improves face and neck skin without invasive injections. Ultraformer Singapore is ultrasound technology, as you may guess from the name.

What exactly is ultraformer facelift?

The dermatologist uses a handheld device that radiates ultrasound that destroys cells in the skin. The upper surface of the skin stays untouched because the beam targets other layers. Usually, surgical facelift targets these layers and tightens them.

The human body has healing response that works better if it is provoked by something. In Ultraformer facelift treatment, the ultrasound beam provokes it. Healing response includes creating new collagen in cells. This is a long process but during the treatment is its start. Ultraformer facelift is not a long procedure and there are no side effects or recuperation. Its length is 60 minutes most and patients are able to go on with their day as if nothing has happened. The only outcome patients see right after the procedure is slightly lifting but it is not the final lifting. Results come when old collagen is changed to a new one in 2 or 3 months period. Of course, ultrasound will not replace facelift surgery because one non-invasive treatment can’t be so drastic as results.

See Moricara Ultraformer Facelift in Veritas Medical Aesthetic in Singapore.


Who could have the ultraformer facelift?

First signs of ageing usually are visible on the skin. Look yourself in the mirror and try to spot a difference in the position of your eyebrows from before and now. Loose skin on the upper eyelid is one of the first signs that your cells start losing collagen and you will need some treatment to rejuvenate it. Facelift surgery is a typical choice for people whose ageing signs are advanced while non-invasive facelift, like ultraformer in Singapore, is for people whose skin just start to lose elasticity. Unlike other non-invasive treatments, this one is just one session. You will not need 3, 4 or more repetitions until final results. The treatment is almost painless so every patient is awake during the procedure. Some dermatologists apply numbing cream on the treated area if the skin is more sensitive. Don’t forget that ultrasound doesn’t affect the upper layer of the skin so you can apply your make up right after the procedure. Of course, wearing one during the procedure is not recommendable. Have it on the mind and clean it before.

Our advice is to make a photo of your face under a good lighting before the procedure and 3 months after. It is important to use the same lighting in order to see the differences clearly. Otherwise, changes come gradually and you will not be able to notice them.

What are the main benefits of the treatment?

A non-surgical facelift has one big benefit and that is low risk and zero downtime. This is a great thing when you are afraid of consequences and side effects that could happen. However, if you are looking for a full list of things you can improve it, we managed to sum them up. First, it could tighten your eyebrows and lift skin around the eyes. Upper eyelids are perfect area susceptible to this treatment, too. Jawline wrinkles, marionette wrinkles, Jowls wrinkles and corners on the mouth are other places where ultrasound could improve skin texture and shape. Have you seen people with wide pores who use tons of makeup to hide them? Ultraformer in Singapore helps a lot with wide pores restoration, too. You might be surprised but ultrasound could improve significantly your skin condition.

What is the difference between lasers and ultrasounds?

They target two different layers of the skin. Most lasers target superficial layers, while ultrasound targets the inner layers. Foundational layers are more important when it comes to tightening and rejuvenating skin.

Neogen – the exceptional non-surgical eyelift

What do you know about eyelift? Probably, you have heard that it is painful and the recovery time is at least 3 weeks. We encourage you to forget about that and find more info about this new exceptional non-surgical eyelift treatment. Conventional eyelift has a whole list of flaws and complications, like inflammation, bruising, asymmetry, etc. When it comes to the face, bruising and asymmetry could ruin lives.

We all want to be beautiful and young at least 50 years but nature has different plans. That’s why we struggle daily with cosmetic and treatments. Neogen is an exceptional eyelift in Singapore provided by Cambridgetherapeutics.com.sg, because it gives you the opportunity to improve your look for a longer period.

What exactly Neogen is?

The treatment targets one area and points plasma to it. Plasma produces heat that heals the tissue without affecting the surrounding one. This is extremely important because people who have a surgical eye lift report that they have bruises and swelling all over the eye are not only the targeted one. However, Neogen in Singapore is a non-invasive and delicate treatment that is able to accomplish spectacular results. The very same results you can get by using Sericin Plus Eye-Lift Micro Cream a powerful, age-defying, formula – formulated to perfect and protect skin with silk enriched protein that nourishes, hydrates and moisturizes skin feel silky smooth and soft.

Inert nitrogen gas produces the plasma easily. Higher levels of energy allow plasma to tighten skin and contour it. Lower levels of energy allow it to straighten wrinkles, bleach age spots and improve fine lines. Thanks to the specific properties of the plasma, Neogen eye lift can easily stimulate the skin to produce more collagen and to change the old one.

What should I expect from the Neogen treatment?

People always expect too much too soon when it comes to dermal procedures. However, the Neogen treatment is like others and its results are developing with time so the primal effect is not the biggest one comparing to this one in a 2, 3 months. As soon as collagen in the cells is restored the skin starts to look rejuvenated. If we have to settle some time limits – first 3 months are the important ones. However, the whole year after the Neogen treatment in Singapore, changes are happening, so you should observe carefully.

Neogen treatment is recommendable for people who have to tighten their eyelids, no matter if it is a lower or upper one. The eye area has additional benefits from the treatment; it will bleach the dark circles under eyes. Actually, Neogen is able to lighten dark spots from ageing all over the patient’s face. People who have acne scars could benefit from the treatment, too.

Other eyelift products that have been proven that work:

Who should have the Neogen treatment?

Everyone who has skin problems and look for a fast and painless solution. People who are of a certain age and can’t risk having surgical eye lift can benefit from the Neogen treatment. Young people who have spotted their first eye wrinkles and dark age spots and don’t think they need surgery but a slight improvement, too. People who have skin discolouration, acne scars, or large pores can find a saviour in this treatment.

How long is the procedure?

One procedure is long 30 or 40 minutes long. However, people with serious skin condition might need more than one procedure. The best results need efforts.


Ptosis surgery herbal recovery

Ptosis surgery? There is another way. Droopy eyelids can be improved not only with a surgery, nevertheless, surgery is the fastest way. Most people don’t know that there are several other methods that could help in this condition. Ptosis surgery is needed when the patient can see clearly because of the eyelid. If patient’s vision is not affected then ptosis surgery is not as necessary as people think. Some people are really concern that droopy eyelids can ruin their appearance but in fact, it is not as noticeable as people think.

Ptosis surgery is, in fact, according to Bagsundereyescauses.com, a conventional method, but here we will pay attention to some others methods that could improve this condition. Chamomile tea, Acupuncture, Vitamin B12, Nasya and netrapana, and Gelsemium sempervirens are some of the things people with ptosis could try before deciding to have a ptosis surgery in Singapore.

How is ptosis formed?

The droopy eyelid is a condition provoked by weak eye muscle. Another reason is hiding in the nerve that is controlling this muscle, he can stop working due to some damage. This could happen because of infection, injury or some health condition, like a congenital defect, stroke, diabetes, tumours or myasthenia gravis. Some children may develop ptosis that is followed by lazy eye but as soon as they cope with the ptosis, lazy eye improves. Ptosis surgery has some side effects so most people don’t hurry up with the decision. For example, there might be a swelling, or infection right after the surgery. Depending on the surgeon the eyelid might not be positioned right so this is a risky touch.

Does Homeopathic treatment help?

Do you know that before people have invented pills, herbs were used? Jasmine is a magical plant and has plenty of good features. People make tea from it and drink it to improve their vitality. Gelsemium sempervirens derives from jasmine – it is useful for droopy eyelids. It reduces weakness in the muscle and people are able to control better their eyelid. It can improve the nervous system if you drink it constantly. Conium maculatum is another thing that doctors could recommend from a homoeopathic pharmacy in Singapore. However, there are lots of herbs that can improve nerve system easily.

Does acupuncture help with ptosis?

Recent researches show that patient who has midbrain infarction and ptosis have significant improvements after herb treatment combined with acupuncture. This is not a surprise because it pressure on certain spots can force muscles to work better. If you have acupuncture on your face and scalp then the results could be significant and you won’t have to undergo a ptosis surgery.

What is a chamomile therapy?

Ageing causes loose skin and droopy eyelids. Chamomile can fight against it thanks to its properties affecting the nervous system. If you drink tea from natural chamomile, it will improve your nervous system. If you apply wet bags with chamomile tea on your eyes, they will absorb toxins and will decrease sagging.

Will vitamins help enough?

Vitamins are more powerful than you think. If you combine them with the right therapy and diet, they can make miracles. The nervous system is feeding with folic and B12 so we should consume more foods with them. You can find them in fish, oysters, and mussels.

Dental implant cost in Singapore and all over the world

There are two reasons why people are scared of dentists. The first one is the pain because there are brave people in this world but no one is so brave not to be afraid of dentists. The second thing is the price – dentist service is expensive everywhere around the world. This is a fact because a dentist’s work is really special and delicate. Every specific job has a higher price so it is not a surprise.

Dental implant cost in Singapore according to Dentaleh is less than a dental bridge price although both services are dentist job. However, we will dig deeper into different countries and the price of dental services. You should know that prices are different because countries have different health system. In addition, every patient has completely different teeth so his problems are different and the cost, too. Don’t ever trust a dentist who is able to tell you the price for dental implants without exanimating you first.

What dental implants are?

They are created to change your natural teeth so you will be able to eat and feel proud of them. Dental implants are a high level of modern medicine because it was not long ago when we didn’t have this technology and people who have lost their teeth don’t have an option. Dental implants are not dentures. Dentures are not permanently attached to the patient’s jawbone and he removes it every night. Dentures have their flaws and there is a big chance to slip and fall. In comparison, dental implants are attached to the jawbone and can’t slip. Actually, they can’t move at all.



What are the advantages?

Dental implants cost in Singapore is higher because they look natural. In comparisons with dentures that could cause infection in the gums, dental implants look like natural teeth. They are made by specialists who are following the exact shape of the mouth so not only they look natural but patient feel them natural. Patients are able to start smile again without worrying about their teeth.

Around the world, dental implants have different prices due to different reasons. For example, every health ministry defines the level of dental service costs so people can cope with it. Dentists receive education in different universities and pay different taxes. The last but the most important factor in the economic development of the country. Singapore, for example, has experience in medical services in almost every area of medicine, so specialists could afford to offer a good quality service at higher prices. In Singapore, you can pay for dental implant surgery between $2,000 and $4,000.

If we look at the other end of the world, in Mexico you can have teeth implant for less than $1,000, but the quality of the procedure will be questionable. In Costa Rica, the price is even lower than this in Mexico. While Mexico has the lowest price of $750, Costa Rica reports show $650 for teeth implants. The next stop will be America. As you may know, the health service in the USA is expensive. We found out that they are not so much. Dental implant in the USA might be found between $1,000 and $4,000 so the prices are equal to those in Singapore.

However, if you are planning to visit a foreign country for your dental implants, have in mind that you will have additional expenses like accommodation, transport, etc.

The Most Popular Hair Loss Treatments in Singapore

Official data claims that more than a half men experience hair fall until their 30s and more than 80% until their 50s. Equally for all reasons that could cause men hair loss is the number of treatments that could help them control it.

What should I do to prevent hair loss?

People search constantly information about hair loss treatments in Singapore but usually, they do it when they already have some troubles with their mane. Singapore Beauty Blog made a long list of question and answers about hair loss treatments. Old people say that prevention is better than healing, and we find out this is completely true. Preventing losing your hair has a whole list of things you can do. First, it is a good lifestyle to control your nutrition. Eating healthy food with vitamins and minerals is what your hair needs. Most people think that diet is harmless but in fact, it is not. Every limitation effects on the body strength and vitality. Hair attaches to the scalp thanks to follicles so this structure needs a full range of vital nutrition. For example, zinc and iron are extremely important if you want to have a gorgeous hair without discolouration. Another recommendation is to use a wide comb. This way you will not tear your hair while brushing it. Men should brush their hair at least once per day in order to remove particles and dust. Although women have the habit to tie their hair on tight ponytails, there are men who do it, too. It is not something that your hair is happy for so try to avoid it as much as possible. People can’t prevent every type of hair loss that’s why there are hair loss treatments in Singapore that can help them in their fight against baldness.

What are the most common hair loss treatments for men?

First, we will take a look at medication because of you visit a dermatologist he will prescribe you at least one. In fact, there is still no magical pill for this type of health issue but there are two medications, which help a lot – finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine).

Using a minoxidil for hair loss treatment for men was not the initial plan. This medication was created to cure high blood pressure but one of the side effects was too much hair grows, so they decided it will work in this area, too. Today, minoxidil is prescribed mostly for men losing their hair. Scientists find out that hair follicles become more stable on the scalp and new hair start to grow faster. It prolongs anagen phase of the hair so people can spot a significant difference in the hair density. What are the exact reasons for this unexpected result they still can’t find out?

Another famous drug used for hair loss treatment for men is Propecia. Male baldness patter affects mostly middle part of the scalp. Only adult men should use this medication because side effects can affect teenagers and pregnant women. Like minoxidil, Propecia was not created to treat losing your hair. The scientists have created it for prostate cancer patients and his main action is decreasing a significant hormone. Luckily, the hormone is responsible for damaging hair follicles so neutralizing it, they boost growth. A side effect of minoxidil is hair grow all over the body, while Propecia doesn’t do that. Side effects are a downside of this treatment so you should be really careful what may happen if you take them continuously.


Different Facelift Types and Thermage Facelift

Facelift procedures are different and might be suitable for different face areas. In addition, they could affect different skin layers with different power. Another division is types of incisions that are made during the procedure. The grandparent of facelift surgery is a rude technique where the surgeon cuts the skin and stretches it. As you can imagine, sculpting a face this way might be a hard task. The downside of this technique was that skin proceeded to fall because nothing holds it straight except the stitches. Thankfully, this is history and today we have modern plastic surgeries that can improve our face without the scary effect. In Singapore, many surgeons have specialized in plastic surgery area, for example. This is a great foundation for a big competition which is basic for more quality procedures.

What are different facelift types?

The Deep Plane lift – SMAS lift.

Superficial musculoaponeurotic, also called SMAS, is situated under the upper layer of the skin and involves muscles that are responsible for facial expressions. The deep plane lift includes incision along the hairline and finishing behind the ears. This facelift includes separation of the skin from the SMAS layer so the surgeon could reposition the face. If there is some excessive skin at the end of the procedure, the surgeon cuts it and stitches. This type of facelift is suitable for people who have very loose skin and lots of sagging. The procedure is long and complex and the cost is above $13 000. The results will be visible for 10 years at least.

Short Scar Lift in Singapore

This term could mean several different procedures. What is common between them is that they don’t have a full incision. First one, the S-shaped facelift is not going behind the ears. Although the incision is a short one, the surgeon manages to lift the chin area and smile lines. The second type is the minimal access cranial suspension lift also called MACS and it stops next to the earlobe. If you want to have minimal scars, these 2 procedures are the best for you. They are suitable for people who are around 50 years old.

Endoscopic Facelift type

This is hi-tech facelift because the surgeon uses a camera that is inserted in your face. Thanks to the picture, the surgeon can have a better loon on the inner structure of the facial muscles. Usually, the results from this facelift, are not spectacular compared to others so patients don’t use it very often. In addition, it can’t be used for a neck lift. the best results are visible if cheeks are treated, only. Endoscopic facelift is one type that is not going to be improved because patients are focused on more reliable ones.

Thermage facelift type

Thermage facelift in Singapore is non-invasive so there aren’t incisions. The Thermage facelift surgeons like Drcychua.com use a radiofrequency to tighten skin. The procedure is suitable for people who lack collagen in their cells, too. A thermage facelift will increase the ability of the skin to produce collagen and it will have a positive outcome for the patient’s skin condition. However, heat could be dangerous when it comes to the most precious thing – the face. That’s why there are plenty other alternatives to facelift procedures that are without so higher rate of side effects and incidents.